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The story behind campus talk

It all began in the summer of 2017. We felt that the only way to truly make a positive and powerful impact on college campuses was to collaborate with professors, faculty, and staff. We wanted to create a space where students and professors could share ideas, experiences, and brainstorm on what we could do as individuals to make a change in society. We knew it had to begin with ourselves. Our founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon had given a speech that summer at the “Peace Starts With Me” rally about the need for people to stop talking about how others need to do things differently, and instead start with reflecting upon our own lives, habits, and actions. With this in mind, Campus Talk was born.

Over the semesters more and more students and professors had begun to see the need to change the course of society by first starting with the decision to change ourselves. Religious, organizational, and civic leaders too started to support the idea of making an impact through collaboration, outreach, and education. We have evolved and developed Campus Talk to what it is today: A forum where students, professors, and leaders can come together to learn and discuss about salient issues at the deepest root of society, as well as network and strategize together in order to grow this global movement that’s helping people to become forward thinking problem solvers who can live for the sake of others.


Live through our Coverage of Campus Talk


Spring 2019

3rd CAMPUS talk

Fall 2018

2nd Campus Talk

Spring 2018

1st campus talk

Fall 2017